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Mediation is a voluntary, private and confidential process in which a trained, impartial and neutral person helps others negotiate a dispute and develop a mutually acceptable solution. A mediator does not give legal advice or act as judge. Mediation is a non-adversarial alternative to going to court.

  • Divorce                              

  • Church                               

  • Family                

  • Community

  • Organizational

  • Alternate legal dispute

"Blair has compassion for all people and is a model for empathy and understanding."

--Kent Stock, motivational speaker, “The Final Season”

Some of the benefits of mediation are:


  • Costs are significantly less than legal fees,

  • It is much less time consuming than legal procceedings, usually resolving disputes in a matter of hours,

  • It is much less stressful for those involved,

  • Mediation is confidential, allowing disclosure to other partieis only through express permission,

  • Agreements are more mutally agreed upon and mutually beneficial,

  • It is completely voluntary, allowing each party to withdraw at any time,

  • Each party has much more control over the process, deciding for themselves what they can live with,

  • It is much less stressful for those involved,

  • Mediation is confidential, allowing disclosure to other partieis only through express permission,

  • Agreements are more mutally agreed upon and mutually beneficial,

  • You are not limited to a judge's ruling,

  • There is an extremely high rate of satisfaction.

A free phone consultation is available. Cases are screened for domestic violence, child abuse, and possible safety concerns, as these types of matters are not appropriate for mediation. Mediation sessions last, on average, between 90-120 minutes. 

Rev. A’Hearn received his training and certification through Sovern Mediation. He is a member of the Iowa Association of Mediators.


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